Scope of Work: Generate and Distribute Power For Electric Vehicles, Freezers, Crypto Mining, Etc and Investment Version. 2022-03-25 Author: Paul Collier Smith, MSEE Approach: 1. Reconfigure Building 7 roof architecture to capture solar power. Side effect: 40 year roof. Estimated power: 500 Amps. Add a large Industrial battery and controller electronics. 2 Run electrical conduit from front gate around the external wall all the way to the back pedestrian gate. Distribute clean power. Provide an AC socket in a lockbox to open numbered parking spaces for convenience charging. Provide a similar AC socket in the garages for Whatever. Side effects. Residents will be willing to swap parking spaces on the inside for existing guest spots along the wall In addition, all of the existing 20 amp power lines can be pooled to send power back into the grid. Unused power: A) charges battery B) is sent back to the grid C) powers an electric pre-heater to our common hot water system. B and C would reduce operations cost to the community 3. Pay For Breaker Access rather then metering. Allows for tax credit. For example. 500 amps shared instant power Subdivide the power into 20 amp circuits for a total of 25 breakers. Divide the project cost by 25. Residents could purchase zero to 3 breakers. Each 20 amp breaker is an Asset. It can be resold at market rates as needs change. Say each 20 amp breaker has an initial cost of $12,000. 30 percent is a tax credit. Say you bought 3 circuits for $36,000. Two years later, you realize you can get by with 1 circuit. You then sell 2 breakers at $15,000 apeice, realizing a $6,000 profit. Plus capture of tax credits. Seller pays for reconfiguration costs 4 Other considerations: A complete solar roof would look better and allow economy of scale. The same solution would apply to the North side of the complex. Later, we can construct a large solar carport over the parking spaces at the south end of the complex for even more power.